Kazakhstan ranks 12th among the world's oil-producing countries, according to OPEC's "Annual Statistical Bulletin 2022" which measures oil production in thousand barrels per day.
The oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the basis for the development of the economy and largely determines the economic independence of the country, while being one of the leading branches of the industrial production sector.
About 200 oil and gas fields have been explored on the territory of Kazakhstan. Forecast recoverable oil resources are estimated at 7.8 billion tons, and natural gas - at 7.1 trillion m3. Approximately 60-70% of the country's oil and gas resources are primarily located in its western region.
At present, three largest fields play in the development of the oil industry of our country: Tengiz, Karachaganak and Kashagan.
The development of the oil and gas industry in the future will enhance the reliability of the energy system in Kazakhstan. Therefore, special attention is paid to the development of gasification of the country. There are no large deposits of free gas in our country. The gas resources available today are mainly associated gas from large oil and gas fields (Tengiz, Kashagan, Karachaganak), mostly injected back into the reservoir today.
In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 4, 2014 No. 1171 "On approval of the General Gasification Scheme of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 - 2030", the main goals are defined, namely: creating conditions for sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the phased development of transit capacities main gas pipelines and their export potential, as well as increasing the coverage of the population with gas supply through the creation of a unified gas transmission system to fully meet the demand for gas supply from its own gas resources as an environmentally friendly fuel. Therefore, gasification of both the ordinary population and industrial enterprises is being carried out at an accelerated pace in the country. It will reduce harmful emissions of solid pollutants into the Earth's atmosphere.
Along with the development of the oil and gas industry, investments in oil refining and petrochemistry are of great importance. The development of these industries is the key to more significant profits tomorrow. The creation of technologically related petrochemical industries will be unambiguously supported by both the Government and the private capital of Kazakhstan.
Our Republic has all the basic conditions for the development of these projects, including sufficiently qualified personnel.
At the moment, KPSP has determined the vector of development of its activities in the design of the oil industry in Kazakhstan and takes an active position in the implementation of these tasks.
In recent years, our Institute has taken and is taking part in the following projects:
1. Construction of the first integrated complex in the Atyrau region. The second phase (construction of a gas separation plant at the Tengiz field).
2. Construction of the first integrated complex in the Atyrau region. The second phase (Polyethylene production)
3. Long-term engineering services, client - KPO (FEED & Detailed Design)
4. Provision of engineering services at the Kashagan oil and gas field (Master contract signed until 2025)
Study for the selection of the concept for the development of the Aktoty and Kairan fields
Kashagan field, Phase II B, preparatory work for basic engineering
Phase I, filling spare capacity (Engineering and technical services)
Water treatment volume (waste caustic) (Engineering and technical services)
Phase II A, optimization, stage 3, reset pressure at the ground complex
Optimization, stage 3, onshore and offshore facilities
Long term sludge trap replacement - basic design
Long term sludge trap replacement - concept selection study
Expansion of the production of liquefied gas plants (Engineering and technical services)
Expansion of gas plant production (Engineering and technical services)
5. Plant for the production of lubricants with a capacity of 100 thousand tons / year in Almaty (Engineering surveys, design and survey work at the stages - Design and Working documentation, implementation of field supervision)
6. Plant for the production of liquefied natural gas with a capacity of 100 million m3 per year in the city of Taraz (Development of a feasibility study).
Historically, the fuel and energy complex has been a priority for Kazakhstan. Its sustainable development plays a crucial role in the growth and functioning of both the heavy and light industries of the country.
Today, the energy industry of Kazakhstan is represented both in traditional industries, such as coal-fired heat and power (coal-fired thermal power plants, boiler houses, state district power plants), and in fundamentally new areas of energy: gas and combined-cycle turbine units, gas boilers, solar and wind power plants.
The main projects in which our company took part:
expansion of a coal-fired CHP in Karaganda (installation of a turbine unit st. No. 6 and a boiler unit st. No. 8)
boiler house in Stepnogorsk with a capacity of 90 Gcal
district gas boiler houses in Astana
steam-gas turbine plant with a boiler house (CHP) in Kyzylorda
gas turbine power plant at the Tengiz field.
In addition, KPSP is actively involved in projects for the development of electricity and thermal power infrastructure:
electrical networks and substations
networks and heating facilities.
The transport, energy, and utility infrastructures play a vital role in the country's sustainable industrial development. It includes:
roads, railways, bridges, overpasses, etc.
transport facilities (motor transport companies, railway stations, airports, seaports, etc.)
warehouse and logistics complexes and terminals
electrical networks and substations
off-site supply networks of water supply, water disposal
facilities for the disposal of household, industrial, man-made waste
ground objects of space infrastructure
In recent years, KPSP has taken part in the following projects:
ferry port Kuryk (road and rail component)
transport and logistics centers in Astana, Shymkent, Aktobe
space rocket complex "Baiterek" based on a new-generation medium-class space rocket for launching unmanned spacecraft
tank farm of the fuel depot of the Karaganda airport (expansion)
reconstruction of belt conveyors and boiler units of Karaganda CHPP-3 (increase in fuel supply)
distribution networks for heat supply to residential areas of Karaganda (heating main from CHPP-3)
Wastewater treatment plant on the left bank of Astana
In recent years, our Institute, serving as the general designer, has actively participated in significant metallurgy and enrichment projects for our Republic, including:
Increasing the capacity of the ore preparation complex to 60 million tons of ore per year. Transportation of ore by conveyor transport from the Sokolovskaya mine to DOP-2 URPO. Positive conclusion No. 01-0240/14 dated May 13, 2014. SSGPO
Mining and processing plant for the extraction and processing of polymetallic ores of the Alaigyr deposit in the Karaganda region. Industrial site. Positive conclusion No. 10-0045/17 dated April 19, 2017;
Zhairem mining and processing plant. Zhairem polymetals. Modernization of existing production”. Karazhal, Karaganda region (1st, 2nd and 3rd launch complexes). Positive conclusions No. 01-0483/17 dated 03.10.2017, No. 01-0630/17 dated 12.20.2017, No. 01-0422/19 dated 10.21.2019. JSC Kazzinc
Construction of a processing plant with a productive capacity of 4 million tons of ore per year at the Shalkiya deposit, Kyzylorda region. Positive conclusion No. 19-0093/21 dated February 25, 2021 JSC "ShalkiyaZinc LTD"
Industrial development of the Lisakovskoye deposit (section No. 2, No. 3 and No. 5); Orken LLP
“Construction of a facility for the re-enrichment of the OMK intermediate jigging product on the territory of the FOOR of the Donskoy GOK of the branch of TNK Kazchrome JSC, in the city of Khromtau, Khromtau district, Aktobe region”; ERG
Construction of a sludge processing plant, Donskoy GOK, Khromtau. Reconstruction of the main building of DOF-1; ERG
Tailings storage facility Vostochnaya, JSC ArcelorMittalmTemirtau
He took part as a Sub-designer for the complex - UK MK New Metallurgy Copper Plant. Lead plant. JSC "Kazzinc"
Our customers are large enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of mining and processing of non-ferrous metals - LLP "Kazzinc", NC Kazkhrom, Sokolovsko-Sarbai Mining and Processing Production Association (SSGPO), ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC, Kazakhmys LLP and others.
The active development of housing and civil construction began from the date of the transfer of the capital of Kazakhstan to the city of Akmola (subsequently - the city of Astana). The Institute did not remain aloof from this event and took a direct part in the design of the facilities of the new capital. The portfolio of KPSP projects over the past 20 years includes administrative buildings and complexes, business centers, shopping and entertainment centers, wholesale and retail markets, residential buildings and complexes, sports complexes, urban engineering infrastructure, monumental structures, large multifunctional complexes, etc.:
multifunctional complex "Abu Dhabi Plaza" in Astana (development of special technical conditions, participation in the design and adaptation of the pile foundation)
SEC "Khan Shatyr" (development of special technical conditions in terms of fire safety)
wholesale and retail market in Astana
monument "Kazakh Eli" in Astana
triumphal arch "Mangilik El" in Astana
SEC "Keruen-2" in Astana
gastronomic market "Keruen Market" in Astana
residential buildings and residential complexes on the right bank and left bank of Astana
ice skating rink "Alau" in Astana (construction design of metal structures)
hippodrome in Astana (construction design of grandstands)
martial arts center in Ust-Kamenogorsk
boxing center in Karaganda
Museum of the First President in Temirtau
wholesale and retail market in Karaganda
and much more
Since the beginning of the 2000s, the processing sectors of the economy and sectors of production with high added value have been actively developing in the Republic. An additional active impetus to their development was given with the introduction of the state program for industrial and innovative development (SPFIID (2010-2014), SPIID (2015-2019), SPIID (since 2020)). Over the years, our institute has taken part in such significant projects as:
cement plant with a capacity of 800 thousand tons of cement per year in the village. Shetpe of Mangystau region
cement plant with a capacity of 2 million tons of cement per year in the Akmola region
cement plant with a capacity of 1600 tons of clinker per day in the Akmola region
program "New Metallurgy" at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Metallurgical Complex (lead and zinc plants)
plant for the production of reinforced concrete sleepers in Astana
reconstruction of cement plant facilities in Aktau, Karaganda region
cement plant with a capacity of 1500 tons of clinker per day in the city of Rudny
plant for the production of sheet glass in the Kyzylorda region
In global geopolitics, carbon neutrality is a priority. This concept emphasizes measures to offset environmental harm, particularly by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Transitioning the world to zero-emission life is one of the biggest challenges our planet has ever faced.
The rapidly growing pace of the industrial revolution over the past 100 years has had a significant impact on the nature and climate of the Earth.
For the transition of the entire planet to such a life, it will be necessary to reset all systems, developments, methods used in our daily life and production.
Today, energy sector emissions account for approximately three-quarters of total greenhouse gas emissions, and their reduction is a critical factor in preventing the worst effects of climate change.
Replacing polluting coal, gas and oil with energy from renewable sources such as wind or solar will significantly reduce carbon emissions.
Clean hydrogen can significantly change the current energy geopolitics.
The main directions for the use of hydrogen in the future are determined:
• export;
• decarbonization of industry;
• decarbonization of transport;
• decarbonization of the housing and utilities sector;
• robotics.
The world community is encouraging decarbonization - the concept of restructuring the economy and all energy systems in order to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which will affect the & nbsp; reducing environmental impact.
Around pure hydrogen and its derivatives new trade routes may emerge. Countries with typical sunny and windy weather can become major exporters of "green" fuel and centers of "green" industrialization.
To date, extractable hydrogen is not “clean”, as there are certain things that need to change:
Hydrogen is mainly produced from fossil fuels without the use of carbon capture, use and storage technologies
Hydrogen is used almost 100% as an industrial raw material, that is, it is used immediately on site.
For hydrogen to qualify as “clean” and become a necessary element in the transition to “green” energy, both of these points must be radically changed.
Depending on the method of production, hydrogen is marked with colors.
So "green" is called hydrogen, which can be obtained during the electrolysis (decomposition) of water. It is considered the cleanest, but also the most expensive, since its production requires a lot of electricity, which also needs to be obtained somehow. In this case uses electricity from renewable energy sources (RES), such as wind, solar or hydropower, so there are no CO2 emissions and hydrogen is considered “green”
"Gray" and "blue" are hydrogen extracted from natural gas by steam reforming of methane - a complex chemical process. The steam conversion of methane to hydrogen produces two end products: pure hydrogen and carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). The latter is a greenhouse gas.
When steam reforming releases carbon dioxide directly into the atmosphere, the hydrogen is referred to as "grey". If the gas was captured during steam reforming, then the hydrogen obtained in this way is called "blue".
However, the interest of the oil and gas industry is to develop technologies for capturing the CO2 released during the reaction and pumping the gas back into the oil and gas reservoir forenhanced oil recovery.
To change the second point is to resolve the issue of hydrogen transportation. Since hydrogen in its natural state can only be transported by a hydrogen pipe, which actually does not exist today, this causes some difficulties. At the same time, hydrogen can be easily processed into ammonia, which is easily transported in tanks. It is then processed back into hydrogen by a chemical reaction at its destination.
A relatively “new” raw material that contributes to the transition to a global “clean” energy is & nbsp; blue and green ammonia.
Ammonia is a chemical compound that contains three hydrogen molecules and one nitrogen molecule. As mentioned above, blue ammonia can be used as a raw material for green hydrogen through a simple chemical reaction.
It's called green ammonia.ammonia NH3, which is produced from the green hydrogen obtained fromelectrolysis water usingrenewable energy without selectioncarbon dioxide CO2. Green ammonia is a promising alternative to carbon-based fuels that paves the way for full decarbonisation.
According to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, our country wants to reduce carbon emissions by 15% by 2030. At the moment, in percentage terms, the size of "green" energy is about 3%.
Kazakhstan can become one of the world's centers of "green" energy, as there is an opportunity to develop renewable energy sources due to weather conditions on its territory.
Our design institute plans to participate and is participating in projects for the development of the above high-tech areas - hydrogen energy and the decarbonization of industry and transport, the development of technologies for the production, storage and transportation of hydrogen, and CO2 utilization.
KPSP is considering as promising areas of design - the production of "blue" and "green" hydrogen and ammonia.
The main directions of the Institute's project activities in the field of green energy are:
Development of projects focused on the export of low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia, as well as the development of domestic demand;
Power supply systems based on hydrogen electrochemical generators;
Production, transportation and storage of hydrogen and chemical compounds based on it;
Development of hydrogen transport systems and refueling infrastructure;
Renewable Energy;
Information and analytical support.
The goal of KPSP in this direction is the development of projects related to the production, sale and consumption of carbon-free and low-carbon hydrogen and chemical compounds based on it, as well as the transfer and development of relevant technologies.
As part of the construction of a plant for the production of "green" hydrogen and "green" ammonia in the Karakiya district of the Mangistau region, it is planned to produce up to 2 million tons of "green" hydrogen and up to 11 million tons of "green" ammonia per year on the basis of solar and wind stations with a total capacity of 40 GW.
Thanks to this project, Kazakhstan will increase its ability to supply large volumes of hydrogen or ammonia to European and Asian markets, as well as accelerate the transition of its economy to environmentally friendly rails.
The project is at the Pre-FEED stage and is implemented by the well-known German company Svevind, where the main contractor & nbsp; at this stage is Genesis, a subsidiary of the French engineering and technology company Technip Energies). The Pre-FEED stage will form the basis for making important technological decisions on the project and making further investment decisions.
On the part of KPSP, LLP "TKJV (TIKEYJEYVI)" (a joint venture of Karaganda Promstroyproekt Institute LLP with a French company with TECHNIP ENERGIES) takes part in this project